OMG! I'm so worried about my lost dog. It's so cute, but disappeared last night. )-: Rex has little ears and it's a shih-tzu. I lov its so much that I can't imagine my life without Rex. I live in Austin, Texas and I really need some help. If anybody sees Rex, call me ASAP.
My name is Ana and I'm a foreigner. As u can see, I don't know anything around here, starting with the bathroom cause I really wanna pee LOL - Any1 have a time to show me the important places? At the hotel, I have a PC to receive an email from someone who is interested. Thx. :*
SUP, Lídia? How u doing? FYI, our school work is late and we need to do a lot of stuff. BTW, we have to do some researches about the subject. I hate this, but we have all the weekend for it, TGIF! hahah. Call me later, cause I have things to tell you. Kiss (;